Branding 101 - 4 steps beginner guide

If you’ve started your own business or are planning to, it’s totally your time to shine, babe! 😉 I’m sure investing in it is a top priority for you! So, every little detail, whether directly related to the business or indirectly impacting its success, like its marketing and promotion, should be absolutely spot on! 🤩

But what often happens when you’re just starting out with your independent venture or when your business is still in its baby stage … you may not really have the funds to invest in every little thing, even though you really, really want everything to be as professional and precise as possible.

And trust me, I’ve been there, and I know how frustrating that feeling can be. 😑

But, just before you allow yourself to drown in frustration, look at it this way – if you don’t have the funds right now to invest, you have another equally important resource, and that’s your time!

I’m sure that even if it requires stepping a bit out of your comfort zone, if this business truly matters to you, you’ll find the time to invest in it.

So, what’s left for you now is to gather information from places and sources you truly trust (to avoid wasting precious time!) and start working on the business yourself! And believe me, there will be things you’ll see that nobody else could have done for you as perfectly and accurately as you, simply because, most likely, nobody else values your business more than you! 😇

Alright, let’s get down to business, you know the real reason you’re here.

So, what are the first steps you need to take to brand your business in the best possible way?

So, first things first.

When I talk about branding, I’m not just referring to the visual aspect of your business, but overall, what it stands for as a whole. And usually, the visual will branch out from that…

Now, let’s go through the 4 steps to perfect your business branding , step by step.

Step 1: developing Your Business Personality

The first big step in getting your branding right is to figure out what your business is all about really dissecting and analyzing the personality of your business!

What are the important values of your business? (Pick 3-6)

If your business were a person, what would they be like? What do they like to wear? What are their favorite things? Who are their friends? What foods do they love? Where do they like to go? What are their hobbies? What do they believe in?…

What 5 words describe them the best? (For example: Cool, Organized, Fun-loving, Social, Nature-loving)

What are their top 3 beliefs?

Developing your business personality is the first and most important step to making branding that really connects with people, so they understand what you’re all about and really like your brand.

Step 2: The Name

After you’ve gone through the first step and built your business’s personality, it’s time to choose a name! 😊

Here’s my favorite way to finding the right name:

Step 1: Get a blank sheet of paper and just start jotting down all the words that come to your mind. No specific order. No rules. Just write down every word that could fit your business’s personality and what it wants to convey…

Step 2: Start trying combinations and wordplay with all the words written on the paper… Have fun with it, like a game – see what you come up with! 😄

Step 3: Begin filtering out the words that don’t seem to resonate with you or connect well with your business as a name. Start narrowing down to your top 5 favorites.

Step 4: From those top 5, pick the 3 favorites. Then, seek feedback from trusted friends or people you trust… and simply choose the most accurate and fitting name for your new business! 🥰

Remember, don’t be hasty, this decision will shape your business’s identity for years to come, so take your time and choose wisely. Enjoy the process!

Step 3 the Tag line/ the message

Once the personality of your brand is clear and well-defined, I suggest creating a strong and precise message that perfectly aligns with your business’s identity—one that will characterize and brand your business effectively!

With your brand’s personality crystal clear, it’s time to forge a powerful and precise message tailored perfectly to your business’s identity, one that encapsulates and defines your business!

When crafting your message, think about what you want to communicate to people (your customers) through your business. What beliefs do you want them to hold about it? What insights will they glean from this message? What emotions will it stir in them? How does this message set you and your business apart?

*Ensure it aligns accurately with all the values, beliefs, and messages of your business’s personality (as outlined in step one).

So, what's your message? In one sentence.

Step 4 The look

Welcome to the fourth and final step, where the real fun begins—it’s all about implementing visual branding, which will represent your business everywhere, on every platform, and in everything you choose! 😃

So, how do you start choosing visual branding, and what does it include?

Well, this part requires a bit of openness and connection to your creative side 😊. Maybe this step feels like the most natural for you, and you’re itching to dive into it right now 🤗. Or perhaps it feels a bit intimidating…

Either way, let’s go through it together, step by step, simply and easily:

How do you begin choosing and creating visual branding, and what does it include?

Primary visual branding usually consists of a logo and colors that characterize your business’s personality. Later on, it can involve other elements in your business… (like photography style, Instagram page layout, website structure, product style if there will be any, and more!) But these are the main two and most important aspects of a starting business!

So, how do you choose and create the right colors and logo for your business?

In theory—first, try to understand which colors resonate with you and represent your business’s personality. Think about which colors embody the words you outlined in the business description (from step one).

Will it be very colorful and vibrant… or perhaps a monochromatic combination of a few shades of one color that speaks to you and your business…? Which shades are the most accurate and fitting to represent your business—pastel or brighter ones?

Use a user-friendly app like CANVA to create an organized color palette with 3-4 selected colors. You can also design your logo using the same method, read more in detail in my post ‘תוכנות ואפליקציות שאני משתמשת בהם לעסק שלי’ considering if you want it to be just the business name, an illustration, or a combination. Create multiple versions of the logo for versatility and consistency across different platforms

Remember, visual branding is what catches people’s attention and leaves a lasting impression, so take your time and make it reflect your business’s personality authentically. Enjoy the creative process! 😊

After going through each step, from shaping your business’s personality to crafting the perfect logo, you must feel like your business is on a whole new level! 🤗

Remember, every business starts from somewhere, and your gradual investment, step by step, will elevate your business to heights you’ve only dreamed of 🥳.

Share in the comments what field your business is in, and if you’ve reached the logo stage, I’d love to see it 🥰.

For more posts on business development click here 


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