Business. Entrepreneurship. Consciousness. Lifestyle.

Hi, I am Hadasa Shitrit.

I own the brand HADASIM, where I combine business and entrepreneurship with self-fulfillment, consciousness, and creating a lifestyle. I am a consultant and mentor for business owners on their path to self-fulfillment and personal, mental, and business advancement.

I help women in general, and business owners in particular, find balance in their daily lives and create their dream lives.

My journey to self-fulfillment and turning my passions into a business and way of life has been a dream come true for me! Now, I want to help you on your path to fulfillment and turning your passions and dreams into your path and success.

hadasim עסקים, יזמות, תודעה ולייף סטייל

Here at HADASIM, you will find everything you need from the world of consciousness, self-fulfillment, and personal development. Practical tools from the world of business, entrepreneurship, marketing, and advertising, as well as tips, shares, inspirations, and recommendations from lifestyle and family life.

These will help you succeed in fulfilling yourself, creating your lifestyle and the dreams burning within you, and becoming a successful independent business owner, entrepreneur, blogger, or content creator.

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